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26 Great Tips For Doing Powerpoint Presentation In Effetive Way

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Here exist several Hints or Tips that should be considered when designing a highly effective PowerPoint Presentation.

Hints and skills for any effective presentation :

Plan PowerPoint presentation carefully

Seek information

Know your audience

Time your presentation

Practice your presentation

Speak easily and clearly Effective PowerPoint slides

Use design templates

Standardize position, styles and colors

Include only information you need

Limit the data to necessities

Content ought to be self-apparent

Use colors that contrast

Remain consistent with effects, transitions and animation

A lot of 35mm slides can lose your audience Text recommendations

Generally a maximum of 6 words a line

Avoid lengthy sentences

Bigger font signifies more essential information

Font size generally varies from 18 to 48 point

Make sure text contrasts with background

Fancy fonts can be difficult to see

Words in most capital letters are difficult to see

Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

Limit punctuation marks Clip Art and Graphics

Should balance the slide

Should enhance and complement the written text, not overwhelm

A maximum of two graphics per slide